This needs to change

So, I am standing outside a gym, waiting for a friend, and then I will enter and use a gym for the first time ever. And I find my self contemplating, why haven’t I done this before?

I make my money using my brain.
My brain depends on my body to work properly.

I should have been here for the first time years ago.

We, as a species, needs to make exercise more readily available.
We, as geeks, need to make exercise cool in our own circles.

Here we go.
See you on the other side!


Now read this

The Autodidact and The University

So. As some of you may know, I am currently attending university. And to be honest, it’s not going well. Not well at all. I’m not following the lectures, I’m not really passionate about the project I am working on for “school”. I would... Continue →